Understanding What We Are Bringing to the Party: Group Process Consulting Resources
As I mentioned in my previous post, I attended a workshop on Group Process Consultation (GPC) this week. During the many hours we spent together (some days from 08:30 – 21:00!) we discussed many theories, models, books and resources related to group processes, teams and learning. I wanted to take a moment to capture some of them here, and record these for myself, for the team who participated in the GPC workshop with me this week, and for others. By the way, we did not have a actual party all week, although we did do some salsa dancing for our “check-in” this morning…
Exploring what other people bring to the party – Some resources
- Attribution Theory – This theory assumes that people want to understand why other people do things and explores how they attribute the behaviour they observe – sometimes these inferences are very biased, but inform their interpersonal relationships nonetheless.
- Johari Window – This is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals within a team or in a group setting. Based on disclosure, self-disclosure and feedback, the Johari Window can also be used to improve a group’s relationship with other groups.
- Egon Brunswik Lens Model – Our values, beliefs and assumptions are a lens through which we see the world – we make assumptions about what we are seeing based on our own experience of what that behaviour means. Does this represent whats going on? – maybe or maybe not.
- The Ladder of Inference – A common mental pathway which can lead to misguided beliefs, based on a sequence of inferences.
- Richard Hackman – Thinking differently about team leadership and the work of teams.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer – Author of the “Knowing-Doing Gap: How smart companies turn knowledge into action. “
Exploring what you are bringing to the party – Some resources
- Journaling – Ira Progroff – A psychotherapist who developed the intensive journaling programme, which looks at journaling tools for reflection and personal development. We tried journaling as a reflective tool.
- Firo-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation- Behaviour) – We used this tool to assess how our individual needs for inclusion, control, and affection can shape our interactions with others
- Mind Mapping – This is a creative problem-solving technique that we also used to “check-in” with how we were feeling on that day. It can be used by individuals to map out their nonlinear thinking paths, or by groups, for problem-solving or as a planning aid.
- Peter Greider – Author of the book “Following Through: Finishing whatever you start”
- Peter Block – Author of the book “Flawless Consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used”
These are some of the resources that the group brought to the “party”. Does anyone have anything else to add?
I guess I will leave the first comment here – Thanks Gillian for your work. The list of resources is very helpful!
Yes the links are great! though I must admit that the amount of info can seem overwhelming. i guess the more you know, the less you know.
Gillian – I’m late to looking at this — but very much appreciate all your effort in consolidating all this information. You’ve also inspired me to offer to set up my own blog for the benefit of my group here at IBM — so I’ll reach out to you via email to get your “10 Steps” document… I’m also going to be giving a “teachback” on the Group Process Consultation course to my group and would be interested if you have done that or if anyone else from the group has?
Hi everyone, I do have a “10 Steps to Setting Up Your Own Blog” document which I am happy to share. I sent it to Michelle and Todd already and if anyone else would like it, let me know and I will send it along. Cheers, Gillian