A Year Reflected in Numbers: What I Learned from Facilitating Over 240 Hours of Virtual Workshops in 2021

(photo credit: Marc-Olivier Jodoin, Unsplash)
Inspired by…
10/01/2022/by Gillian

New to the Zoom Tech Host Role? What to Expect Behind the Scenes (and where to ask for help)

Virtual workshops need a team to produce them behind the…
20/05/2021/by Gillian

Using Systems Thinking Games in Online Environments: Triangles Virtual Makeover

This post is generally translating "serious games" (games…
27/11/2020/by Gillian

“Have Fun in Japan!” Getting Yourself Ready to Work for 3 Days in Another Timezone (without actually going there)

This post isn't about how to run training in Japan, it's…
29/09/2020/by Gillian

Running an Open Space Technology (inspired) Session Online Using Zoom Breakouts for a Large-Scale Community Learning and Good Practice Exchange


If you can't run your Open Space session in real…
06/06/2020/by Gillian

20 Creative Ideas for Online Gatherings Using Zoom (or similar)

Article by Lizzie Crudgington, Bright Green Learning

29/05/2020/by Lizzie

Desperately Seeking Structure: Productivity in the Time of Covid-19

When the days run together without a clear delineation between…
29/04/2020/by Gillian

Здравствуйте / Hello Bi-Lingual Zoom Meetings? It’s Possible! Tips for Working Effectively with Simultaneous Interpretation in Zoom

(Note: This blog post is long and detailed, and really only…
11/04/2020/by Gillian

The Many Splendid Shapes and Sizes of Virtual Workshops

There has been a raft of flipped workshops recently where…
29/03/2020/by Gillian

F2F or Virtual? Not Always So Different – Workshops are a Means to an End

There is an excited flurry of activity right now among meeting,…
12/03/2020/by Gillian

When You’re Not in the Room Where It Happens: Getting Work Done at Home (Even Temporarily)

You're not going into the office, you can't go to that busy…
03/03/2020/by Gillian

No Flipcharts at No-Fly Workshops – Using Google Docs and Google Sheets to Capture Virtual Group Work Effectively

(Note from Gillian: This is a very long, detailed, and rather…
26/02/2020/by Gillian
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Bright Green Learning Blog

You learn something new every day

This blog is devoted to learning. We started it in 2006, while working together at an international sustainability NGO, and have continued posting regularly ever since.

In blogging about our work, we promise to be appreciative, honest and personal as we capture our learning (unofficially, of course!).

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