How is Information Like Electicity or Water?
This was a thought-provoking comment by Teemu Arina at the Educa Online Conference in his presentation on Blogs as Reflective Practice.
If information flows, then why do people keep so much of it around? Why do I keep every newsletter or email that I receive, carefully filed, when the information is constantly being updated on some portal or another, changing or becoming obsolete?
Corporate learning experts carried this notion a step further with the advice that structured workplace learning should be less about giving staff the information than about giving them the skills to find it – to know where to go, whom to go to, and what to do with it when you finally get it. How might that change the way learning is approached in institutions?
How can we let go of that need to keep those buckets around us, just in case we need them?
Because those with whom we deal value individualism more than collective flow. They are often the ones who sign our paychecks. It is merely bas survival, not our primary intellectual activity.