IUCN’s Commission on Education and Communication: Exploring Social Media Opportunities for Environmental NGOs
This video link was sent to all of us attending the upcoming meeting of IUCN’s (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Commission on Education and Communication. I’m proud to be the Specialty Group Leader for a Community of Practice focused on Learning and Leadership, a group which itself explores new learning approaches. I hadn’t seen this video on the Social Media Revolution yet, and enjoyed its concise and in-your-face delivery. It rings true from what I have been hearing at the various conferences, from Online Educa last year, to the Social Business Summit last month. It will be interesting to discuss it with this group as I have not seen very big pick up of Social Media in the large international environmental organizations in Europe. Looking forward to getting some good examples to share after this meeting later this week.
Crikey, a little caffineated! I'd personally like to see more evidence for these statistics not that I ever trust stats much anyhow – we all know they can be presented to paint any kind of picture we wish to portray.
No doubt there is some kind of 'revolution' taking place around these technologies but I don't think social media can claim the flag. They are quite a complex mish mash of technologies, strategies and also archaic systems. They are still built upon the 'old economy', for instance. When this separation occurs then I think we will witness a turning point…
In other words until "Generation Y" gains some 'power' in the Real World (whatever that may be these days) then these kinds of video – of which there are now many – come over as hype.
Hi "T", I agree that the video gets your heart pumping (no doubt the Fat Boy Slim soundtrack helps) and that the revolution is a complex interplay of many drivers and relationships. If you come back, say more about the "old economy", which you referred to in your comment. That would be interesting to explore more…
cheers, Gillian
Hi Gillian,
I am using Social Media with many of my clients working on sustainability in British Columbia. This includes Facebook groups, internal WIKIs for project management, google sites and survey monkey for online registration and agenda development and you tube for videos. I mainly work in Rural Areas with local governments. I definitely notice that uptake is quicker with those who have more of an 'online' life. Looking forward to hearing how the meeting goes. Will send further requested info next week.
Dear Gillian,
Hera is link to the World AGroforestr Centre's experience in the use of Social media http://blip.tv/file/3586139
Also check out
The World Agroforestry Centre is part of the CGIAR centres.
Thanks so much, "Y", for sending through the URL for the World AgroForestry Centre, it is fascinating to see what organizations are doing all over the world!