What’s New(s) at Bright Green Learning?
We like to use this blog to capture our learning as we go, through the interesting and varied processes that we have the opportunity to co-develop with our partners and support in different ways.
Many of these initiatives produce news! They develop new standards (like for aluminium stewardship along the supply chain), test innovative models for development partnerships such as Public Private Development Partnerships, create new learning around sustainability issues like de-coupling or transboundary water basin leadership. They develop new partnerships that go on to make contributions to sustainable tourism or 3D mapping of natural resources, climate change adaptation and women’s empowerment, and more.
We have begun to share this news in short articles on our website: www. brightgreenlearning.com with links to the different announcements and products. Are you interested in a “How To Manual for Developing a Public Private Development Partnership”? Or a link to 15 case studies and a summary report on “Evaluating existing policy mixes to identify solutions for EU resource efficiency” Or curious to read about how a big cement company manages biodiversity and water in its production processes? You can find this and more news there – and we are incredibly proud as Bright Green Learning to be able to contribute to these initiatives!
You can also follow Bright Green Learning, Atadore Sàrl on LinkedIn! http://tinyurl.com/lnrm3g6